
Razor Quick TL;DR DPS Build Guide


PSA #1: As the DPS, it’s their job to obliterate things up while looking cool. The rest of your team just watches

PSA #2: Both Razor’s abilities scale with ATK. I’m convinced he speaks in broken sentences because he invested all his stats into ATK and not his brains

Claw some enemies because you’re a feral boy and who needs a sword. Enemies hit will drop sigils that give energy regen (stacks 3x). Hold E to do poop an AoE electro storm in front of you. Sigils will give energy and disappear if you hold the skill

Tapping E is much better than holding. It allows Razor to essentially become his own energy generator. This is only more accentuated when Razor has C4, which reduces enemy DEF by 15%

Summon your dad? I honestly have zero idea what he is but oh lordy he slaps. Makes you attack faster and tankier to electro damage. YOU CAN’T DO CHARGED ATTACKS WHEN SLAPPY BOY IS OUT

PSA #3: If you use Razor’s ultimate, DO NOT SWAP OUT. It will end the duration, so just commit to slapping

Highly recommend making sure you’re positioning correctly. Razor in Q form tends to have a much higher knockback, especially if Overloaded is proc’d. If you don’t want to be spending all your stamina dashing to catch enemies, make sure you’re close or attacking towards a wall (this is especially helpful in Abyss!)

Makes slappy boy come out more often and resets your E (kinda like Fischl)

Talent leveling order: Q > Normal > E (you can honestly go Normal over Q if you want)

WEAPON #1 (Recommended for mega deeps damage): Wolf’s Gravestone

How do I get it D: ? – It’s time to roll boys (gacha)

Has base ATK scaling which is poggers. YOU GET ATK DMG, YOU GET ATK DMG, EVERYBODY GETS ATK DMG!!!!!

WEAPON #2 (Recommended for early slaps): Prototype Animus

How do I get it D: ? – Forge (Prototype x1, Crystal Chunk x50, White Iron Chunk x50)

Has base ATK scaling and it can slap someone so hard that they. Just. DIE

Some really good other early replacements are (but not limited to): Skyrider Greatsword [scaling physical dmg + ATK buff], Debate Club [scaling ATK + AoE ATK buff], and Bloodtainted Greatsword [scaling mastery + dmg to enemies affect by electro]

Serpent Spine is great, and better than Animus at higher refinement but you need optimal ATK rolls to really make it work. That, and also getting hit a lot (or in Abyss being afflicted by pyro tick) renders the weapon skill completely useless

ARTIFACT #2 (Recommended for best DPS): Pale Flame

Boosts your Normal/Charged Attack damage, and overall jacks up your ATK stat by a ton

Pale Flame is currently extremely strong for people like Razor who can both utilize their low E CD + incorporate Phys DMG. The fact that you can crutch bad ATK% substat rolls with this 4-set bonus is insanely strong. Keep in mind you’re most likely going to have a 100% uptime on this as Razor

ARTIFACT #1 (Recommended for straightforward slappage): Gladiator’s Finale

How do I get it D: ? – Any World Boss (40 Resin per run)

Boosts everything + great for a Normal Attack heavy character like Razor

You can technically run 2-set Bloodstained + 2-set Pale Flame if you have extremely good rolls on ATK% for substats, but otherwise Gladiator’s is overall better

Main stats:


Substats: CRIT% > CRIT DMG > ATK > EM

If you want other characters let me know. Hope this helped. Bye.


I spend too much time filling out spreadsheets for incoherent data, but at least I can turn them into guides :P

Articles: 129


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  1. What’s your thoughts on the new pale flame artifact set? I’ve been debating if it would be best to go 4 pale flame or 2 pale flame and 2 gladiator

    • It’s not the worst thing, but Archaic or Serpent Spine is a better fit since Razor isn’t solely Phys DPS.