
Radiant Spincrystal 99-107 Locations in Fontaine

There are 9 new Radiant Spincrystal in Fontaine version 4.0. Make sure you had completed Ann of the Narzissenkreuz and Ancient Colors quests because some of the Spincrystal are hidden behind locked areas within the quests.

There are 9 new Radiant Spincrystal in Fontaine version 4.0. Make sure you had completed Ann of the Narzissenkreuz and Ancient Colors quests because some of the Spincrystal are hidden behind locked areas within the quests.

All 9 Radiant Spincrystals in Genshin Impact Fontaine 4.0

5 of the Radiant Spincrystals are on the surface of Fontaine (indicated by red stars), while the remaining 4 are in underwater areas (marked by blue stars). I will go through them according to the number of the Spincrystals.


➥ Teleport to the Court of Fontaine waypoint near Katheryne (Adventurers’ Guild) and head east towards NPC Caron, the owner of a clock-related shop on the east. The Radiant Spincrystal is on top of a storage box beside the shop.


➥ Teleport to the Reputation NPC south waypoint and head southeast towards a newsstand. The Spincrystal is inside a box in front of other newspapers.


➥ Teleport to Elton Trench waypoint (right above its writing) and swim southwest towards a dome. The solution to unseal the dome has already been covered in another guide: Pneumousia Relay Puzzle in Elton Trench. Aside from the Radiant Spincrystal inside a gramophone, you can also choose the option ‘Play’ to get a hidden achievement ‘These Are a Few of My…’


➥ Teleport to Merusea Village and head southwest, towards a house with Rufina and Flo on the front porch. The Radiant Spincrystal is stuck on the house so it might not be too obvious and some might miss it.


➥ Teleport to Annapausis waypoint (right below the writing) and swim downwards toward the small fountain with a Hydro girl sitting on it.


➥ From the previous location at the fountain, head to the huge tower and enter the door. You can see a hole underneath a huge bubble. Enter the hole to reach the lower area.

➥ The Radiant Spincrystal is near the bubble teleport that you will see right after falling.


➥ Teleport to the Fountain of Lucine waypoint and head to the huge fountain (where you exchange Hydro Sigil). The Spincrystal is in a shallow pool of water.


➥ Teleport to Elynas waypoint (right below the writing) and glide southwest towards a mountain near a Shrine of Depth. You can see a bird nest on top of the mountain. The Radiant Spincrystal is with the other 2 Bird Eggs inside the bird nest (unfortunately I already take it before screenshotting it).


➥ Teleport to West Slopes of Mont Automnequi waypoint and head south to the Antoine Roger Aircraft. The Spincrystal is on top of a storage box.


A content creator for HoYoverse games, focusing on Genshin Impact and Honkai Star: Rail.

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